Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jupiter goes Direct December 25, 2011

Jupiter goes direct December 25, 2011. Jupiter rules excess of all kinds (how appropriate at Christmas time), luck, benefits, expansion. It goes direct at zero degrees Taurus, an earth sign ruling the body and sensual pleasures and is trine the Sun and Pluto. We can now manifest many wonderful, expansive things in our life. So make a list, what do you want to manifest for the New Year ? Meditate upon it, thank the universe for already bringing it, and be grateful.  Many blessings and much peace for the New Year.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Moon December 24, 2011

The new moon occurs on December 24, 2011 at 1:07 EST, in Capricorn, on Christmas Eve day. This new moon is conjunct Pluto, inviting us to transform ourselves to reflect more of who we really are. We are conditioned from birth by parents, educators, religions, and culture to be untrue to ourselves. This is a time of reflection, rejuvenation and renewal supporting us in our quest to become our own authority, marching to the beat of our own drum. What is your heart and soul beckoning you to become ?

Winter Solstice December 22, 2011

The winter solstice begins on Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 12:30 am EST. The Sun moves into Capricorn, inspiring us to work hard, be ambitious and get all those last minute christmas tasks completed. This is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the longest day in the southern hemisphere. For us in the north, it is a time of going inward and reflecting on our 2011, then meditating to create a plan for a healthy, happy, prosperous 2012. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse December 10, 2011

With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius, this eclipse invites us to think about how our beliefs shape our view of reality. During an eclipse, the Sun, Moon and Earth align, interrupting the electromagnetic rays from the Sun to the Earth. We are able to access higher dimensions and create new paradigms to re-invent our lives in new and better ways.  Uranus goes direct just hours before this eclipse, allowing us to express our uniqueness and authenticity with ease and grace.