Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Venus and Mercury, January 2014

Venus is retrograde the whole month of January, having turned retrograde on December 21, 2013 until January 31, 2014. Venus retrogrades (appears to go backwards) once every two years, signifying a time to reflect on those things Venus represents: our relationships, what we value and our finances. We might be asked to give something that doesn't feel right to us, or we might have to ask for something that we might hesitate to ask for. On January 11, Venus will retrograde over the Sun, shining the light on something obvious, something we may not have seen before. You may have to take back your energy from something or someone you have been focusing on. On January 31, Venus will conjunct Pluto, we  might be obsessing about something or someone around that time. 
Mercury has been in Capricorn since December 25, 2013. It will enter Aquarius on January 12, 2014. The energy of Capricorn is solitary and your mind and perceptions have been focused inward. On January 12, when Mercury enters Aquarius, your thoughts, mind and perception of things will open up, feel free and move quickly, and not feel so serious. This is a great time for conversation and socializing.

Aquarius New Moon January 30, 2014

Another New Moon occurs this month on January 30 at 4:38 pm EST. The Sun and Moon are both in Aquarius, a sign that is social and futuristic. Aquarius highlights the power of the individual and its affect on the mass consciousness. Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, both opposing Jupiter in Cancer. It's time for new goals and beginnings in your personal and professional worlds, using power, not force to get things accomplished. Power is uplifting and energizing, while force weakens and degrades.

Cancer Full Moon January 15, 2014

This month's full moon is in Cancer on January 15, 2014 at 11:52 pm EST. The Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer. The Capricorn Sun says you are paying too much attention to your feelings and the Cancer Moon says your needs and feelings are important. Check to see  if this imbalance exists within, and strive to rebalance emotionally. This is a time when expressing our needs and feelings may push other people's buttons.  With this Full Moon in Cancer, it is time to ask for what you need in a gentle, loving way. True Black Moon Lilith conjuncts this Moon. Lilith represents our wild, raw, primal and emotional side, so it is best to go with the flow of our emotional selves, expecting some erratic emotions along the way. With Lilith, it is best not to suppress this energy, as it will eventually  come out, sometimes through anger or tears.  

Capricorn New Moon January 1, 2014

The New Moon this month occurs in Capricorn on January 1, 2014 at 6:14 m EST and foreshadows the whole year. Both the Sun and Moon are in Capricorn, the sign of  structure, discipline, authority and being grounded. Who is in charge now ? You or someone else ? This is a sign of solitude, and from December 21 to January 21, while the Sun is in Capricorn, is a time for inner reflection to discover what seeds need to be nurtured and planted to be manifest in the future. This is a time to release that which no longer serves your highest good. It seems that we are always releasing and letting go of something !!!!! That is the way of the world these past years. Pluto is one degree away from this new moon and Mercury two degrees away; extremely close ! With Pluto, we are continuing our transformation and in a few years, you may not recognize yourself or your life. Uranus in Aries (freedom) opposes Mars in Libra (taking action in relationships), so part of our inner reflection is setting boundaries in relationships, discovering that we are ultimately in charge of our life. Mercury will help us communicate any message we need to deliver. Have you been putting off saying something for fear of how others may react ? Now is the time. Jupiter in Cancer opposes this New Moon, so we need to rethink how we relate emotionally to ourselves and others. Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn are cardinal signs, indicating that this year will be a year to take action.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fall Equinox September 22, 2013

The fall equinox occurs on September 22, 2013 at 4:44 pm EDT, when daylight hours equal night time hours. This is a time of increasing darkness and a call to go inside for inner work and reflection. The equinoxes and solstices always mark turning points in the year, where it is time to shift gears and refocus on the important issues in your life.  

Pisces Full Moon September 19, 2013

This month's full moon is in Pisces on September 19, 2013 at 7:13 am EDT. The Sun is in Virgo and the Moon is in Pisces. Virgo deals with the earthly part of the body and mind and Pisces deals with the etheric, transcendent part of us. This full moon allows us to merge our body with our spirit in a more conscious way. We are divine beings having an earthly experience. Saturn and Venus conjoin the North Node the day before this full moon asking us to reflect on how harshly we may still judge ourselves and others. With Pluto in sextile to Saturn, we can release our judgments more easily at this time. 

New Moon September 5 2013

Virgo New Moon September 5  
The new moon this month occurs in Virgo on September 5, 2013 at 7:38 am EDT. Both the Sun and Moon are in Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury. Mercury relates to the mind, communication and information. Virgo relates to health, diets, exercise, and the relationship between the body and mind. With the Northern Hemisphere entering autumn and the harvest season, the abundance of fruits and vegetables at this time of year encourage us to eat a colourful rainbow of produce. This is an excellent time to cleanse and detox our bodies, while strengthening and clearing our minds.  Chiron opposes this new moon, also suggesting healing the body through diet and exercise. With Mercury and Virgo the focus this month, remember to be careful with your thoughts as our thoughts are manifesting into reality very quickly now.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 2013 Celestial Events

August 6 - New Moon 5:51 pm EDT (14 Leo)
August 8 - Mercury into Cancer
August 16 - Venus enters Libra 
August 20 - Full Moon 9:45 pm (29 Aquarius)
August 22 - Sun into Virgo
August 23 - Mercury into Virgo
August 27 - Mars enters Leo
August 28 - Ceres in Virgo

Aquarius Full Moon August 20

This month's full moon is in Aquarius on August 20, 2013 at 9:45 pm EDT. This is the second Aquarius full moon of 2013, the first one occurring on July 22nd. The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Aquarius. Full moons illuminate the shadow side of both signs, encouraging us to acknowledge, heal and release this side of ourselves.  The question now, is how to stay true to ourselves, while being a part of the whole. Jupiter continues to activate Uranus and Pluto, and on August 24 - 27, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus will form a grand cross in the cardinal signs, focusing on values, priorities and changes in the area of partnerships.

Leo New Moon August 6, 2013

The new moon this month occurs in Leo on August 6, 2013 at 5:51 pm EDT. Both the Sun and Moon are in Leo, a fire sign ruled by the Sun. Leo rules creativity, love, and the power of acting from the heart. Each one of us is a star and this month we can learn to shine our light brightly whereever we find ourselves. Jupiter opposes Pluto on August 7, exposing the beliefs and structures that need to crumble in order to build more sustainable lives. Jupiter squares Uranus on August 21, expanding the need for innovation and reform. Jupiter forms a Grand Trine this month with Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio, continuing the flow of feelings, intuition and empathy.

Jupiter in Cancer, June 2013 - July 2014

Jupiter entered the sign of Cancer on June 27, 2013 where it will stay until July 2014. Jupiter signifies expansion, hope, belief, faith, the legal system and religion. As Jupiter travels through each sign for approximately one year, it gives all things related to that sign a little boost, a bit of extra luck and benefits. Cancer symbolizes feelings, emotions, family, food, and the feminine. This next year will bring a focus on all things related to this Cancer archetype. The legal spotlight and benefits will be brought to families, children, women and the home.   

Aquarius Full Moon July 22 2013

This month's full moon is in Aquarius on July 22 at 2:17 pm EDT. The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Aquarius. Full moons illuminate the shadow side of both signs, encouraging us to acknowledge, heal and release this side of ourselves. In Leo, the shadow is denying ones personal power and restricting creativity. In Aquarius, the shadow is hiding ones individuality, or not giving back to society. Mars, Mercury and Jupiter continue to travel through the sign of Cancer, emphasizing the need to connect with feelings and intuition, and inspiring creativity to flow and individuality to shine. Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune form a grand trine in water signs, also supporting the easy connection to feelings and intuition. We may continue to see earth changes like flooding, hurricanes and tsunamis this month.

Cancer New Moon July 8 2013

Cancer New Moon July 8  
The new moon this month occurs in Cancer on July 8, 2013 at 3:15 am EDT. Both the Sun and Moon are in Cancer, a water sign ruled by the Moon. Cancer relates to feelings, emotions, nourishment and the Mother. Our feelings guide us to discover what is healthy or unhealthy and we are reminded now to tune into our feelings often, as they are our internal guidance system. Many of us have been taught not to trust or feel our feelings. With Jupiter in Cancer too, our feelings are paramount this next year, with this New Moon is the beginning of the journey to reconnect with our feelings and emotions.  The Mother archetype invites us to nurture ourselves and become the Mother we wished we had.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Full Moon March 27

 This month's full moon is in Libra on March 27, 2013 at 5:28 am EST. The Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Libra. This is a very intense full moon, magnifying the ongoing square between Uranus (revolution) and Pluto (transformation). The urge to take action and make changes in your life is strong now. This energy is completely different from the energy of early March. Venus (relationships, finances) and Mars (action, will) are also in fiery Aries, giving us the impetus to make the necessary changes in relationships and finances. Be aware of how your actions affect others and remain compassionate when dealing with others. This is a time of pivotal choices, where you can choose a life of love or fear. What will you choose ?

Spring Equinox March 20

On March 20, the Sun makes its annual move into Aries, beginning the astrological new year. The astrological chart for this equinox hints at the energy of the next three months, until the summer solstice in June. Peaceful Venus is rising, boding well for relationships and finances of all kinds. However, the Moon in Cancer is opposite Pluto, indicating potential power struggles in relationships if our boundaries are not strong. We are encouraged not to take things personally, to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of events and situations. What are these events trying to teach us about our feelings and relationships ? Make changes accordingly. Happy spring !!!!

New Moon March 11

The new moon this month occurs in Pisces on March 11, 2013 at 3:52 pm EST. Both the Sun and the Moon are in Pisces, a water sign that can be very nebulous and confusing, and relates to divine will and consciousness. Neptune (spirituality), Chiron (healing), Mercury (communication), Venus (relationships, finances) and Mars (action, will) are in Pisces as well. With Mercury still retrograde until March 17, this is not a time to start anything new. The path is not clear right now. This is a time for inner reflection and focus and going with the flow. Towards the end of March when many of the planets move into Aries, the energy will begin to move again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Day Feb 14, 2013

Valentine's Day occurs on February 14 every year. The Sun is always in Aquarius on Valentine's Day, encouraging us to connect with friends and socialize. The Moon is in Aries on this day, not the most compassionate of moon placements. Be aware of emotional outbursts. With four planets in Pisces, including Mars, and Mercury, it may be hard to get up and get going. Thanks to all this Pisces energy, our words are calm and soothing today, and it will be easy to say 'I love you' at the end of the day.

Mercury Retrograde February 23, 2013

On February 23, Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces, until March 17. We may feel a strong desire at this time to connect to something greater than ourselves, and dissolve boundaries that no longer serve us in a positive way. This can be a challenging time for travel, technology and communication. This is a good time to do inner work, journal and finish up projects previously started.

Saturn goes retrograde February 18 until July 7. With Saturn in Scorpio, healing our unconscious behaviour continues to be the focus. This is the time to review our progress since early October, and change what still needs to be addressed.

Full Moon February 25 2013

This month's full moon is in Virgo on February 25, 2013 at 3:26 pm EST. The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Virgo.

Full moons bring to the light that which has been in the dark. In Virgo, we can look at what needs to be changed in the area of diet, exercise and health. With five planets in Pisces now, the urge to surrender and go with the flow is strong. This is when the magic happens !!!

New Moon Feb 9 2013

The new moon this month occurs in Aquarius on February 9, 2013 at 8:21 pm EST. Both the Sun and the Moon are in Aquarius, an air sign that relates to the collective consciousness, progress, new inventions and the world at large. Aquarius signifies our search for individuality and independence. It is where we collaborate with others, co-operate and create anew. This new moon helps to free us from our attachments to money and material goods, and realize that the only thing of real value is love. With the North Node in Scorpio, it is time to stop denying our shadow, own our power in a positive, healthy way, and stop projecting our issues onto others.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Full moon Jan 26 2013

This month's full moon is in Leo on January 26 at 11:39 pm EST. The Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Leo. Aquarius relates to the collective consciousness and the world at large. Leo relates to the individual. When the Aquarius Sun reflects of the Leo Moon, we are reminded that each individual affects the global consciousness. What we think and feel matters not only to ourselves but to the collective as well. The full moon shines the light on what is hidden or unconscious, urging us to bring this issue to the light for healing. Mercury, the planet of communication is close to the Sun, highlighting the need to speak your truth. Jupiter, the planet of faith, hope and belief went retrograde in October, and goes direct once more on January 30, encouraging us now to think big and have faith and hope in ourselves. The asteroid Vesta turned retrograde in October and goes direct January 26, twelve hours before the moon is full. Vesta relates to the feminine principles of home, hearth and family and asks each of us to create the home and family life we have been dreaming of.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Moon in Capricorn Jan 11 2013

The new moon this month occurs in Capricorn on January 11, 2013 at 2:44 pm EST. Both the Sun and the Moon are in Capricorn, an earth sign that is known for its practicality, realism and ambition. It also relates to responsibility, hard work and resources. Mercury, Pluto, Venus and the asteroid Juno (partnership) are also in Capricorn, adding to the intense energy of Capricorn. Look at the upcoming year with new eyes, seeing life in a new way, yet still being practical and responsible. Are you waiting for a miracle in your life? Or do you view every day as a miracle? Capricorn relates to power as well, and with Pluto in Capricorn now until 2024, the world will be redefining its definition of power. True power lies within, and love, truth, creativity, community and good health are the real sources of our power.