Tuesday, March 6, 2012

True Black Moon Lilith

Who is Lilith and what is her story ? What does Lilith represent in the natal chart and why is this so important at this moment in time ? The mythological story of  Lilith goes something like this. In the Garden of Eden, all the animals had natural mates and companions, except Adam. He asked God for a mate to be his companion and playmate. So God divided Adam, into two parts,  the natural masculine, himself, and the natural feminine, Lilith. All went quite well for these two natural partners, until Adam wanted Lilith to be subservient to him. Of course, Lilith would have no part of this. She believed they were equals since they came from the same matter and consciousness. Adam insisted that he be the boss and Lilith must obey him. Lilith, a true self-empowered being, left Adam and the garden of Eden to go live in the Red Sea, where she could frolic freely in the waters of the sea and enjoy her (pro-) creativity. In doing so, she honoured her Goddess self, her authentic self, her empowered self.

Historically, through the last many thousand years in our patriarchal society, Lilith has represented anger and rage; the rage she feels at having to leave her natural home, the Garden of Eden and her companion, Adam. Is this all Lilith represents, anger, rage and the suppression of our natural instincts ? Or is it time to re-imagine the archetype of Lilith ?

Lilith’s story has taught humanity to feel shame and guilt for expressing our natural instincts,  desires and urges, and to suppress the natural feminine. This can be seen throughout history as evidenced in arranged marriages, women not having the right to vote until the last century, and inequality in the workforce between men and women. How many Canadian female Prime Ministers have been in office ? How many female US Presidents ? In many countries today, women do not have the right to an education, do not have rights to reproductive choices and healthcare and do not have rights to property. The Taliban took over Herat (1994) and Kabul (1996), in Afghanistan and stripped all women of their basic human rights. There are many examples throughout history of the extreme suppression of the wild, natural feminine and this still exists in our world today.  

Each one of us carries the karmic energy of the suppression of our natural desires, whether we are masculine or feminine. As 2012 emerges, the consciousness of humanity is increasing, and we are all being urged to become more self-aware, release our karmic baggage, and release beliefs that  no longer serve our authentic self. It is time to re-write our own Lilith story, get in touch with our healed Lilith, and get comfortable expressing our natural desires, passions and creativity.

Astrology provides a unique map of the soul’s journey, illuminating the wondrous potential of the authentic self. True Black Moon Lilith is one jewel in the natal chart to research, explore and discover, inviting us to ask questions about our own Lilith, as indicated by sign, house and aspects. Where have my natural instincts and desires been suppressed ? Where do my passions and creativity express themselves most naturally and comfortably ? What are some healthy choices I can make to express my natural instincts ?
See website http://www.expreso.co.cr/centaurs/blackmoon.html to locate your Lilith.

Client Case Study: Roger

Roger is a man in his mid fifties who came to see me for a karmic astrology reading to learn more about his relationship issues.

Over many past lives, people are shaped by environments from past lives which affect their current emotional state through unconscious memories. The circumstances that surrounded us in a past life is what we expect our world to reflect today, usually in terms of beliefs and limitations. These unconscious memories often cause difficulties in this current life. Therefore, it is very important to uncover what these unconscious memories and beliefs are, in order to deal with them in the present.

With the south node in Taurus in the 7th house, Roger knows a lot about relationships, relating and learning about balance through these partnerships. He was influenced by people who were learning about self-worth and self-value, while gathering skills, resources, money and learning about basic issues of survival and stability.

Aspects to the south node show up in our current life as friction from other people, and repetitive, unhealthy patterns. Roger experienced wounding to his self image and self worth whenever he was expressing his creativity or his own authentic self. Whenever he tried to express his unique abilities, he met with resistance from others. Roger will experience fear, difficulty and discomfort in this life when he expresses his unique creativity, in whatever way that manifests.

The ruler of the south node, Venus and its aspects are the roles he played in past lives. This is important because these are the roles that feel familiar to him in this life, and he will have expectations of himself to fulfill the same type of role, even if its not enjoyable or what he really wants to do. This familiar role is not always what the soul wants to experience this time around.

Roger's south node ruler Venus, is in Capricorn in the 3rd house. He was a very hard-working, responsible person with a lot of ambition, looking for respect and recognition from others. He valued learning, exploring and communicating with others. Looking at his south node, we can imagine that he did not receive the respect and recognition he was looking for, since every time he expressed himself creatively he was shut down by others.

Aspects to the south node ruler indicate that he received a lot of friction from large, well know religious leaders and/or members of his family who had very strong opinions and had no problems expressing these opinions to him.

Pluto represents the soul's greatest desires and also the soul's greatest wounds that we have from a past life, with similar wounding also occurring early in this life. Most people create their current life unconsciously to avoid this deep wounding and pain. We become disempowered by doing this because our journey of empowerment begins with fulfilling our soul's mission. True empowerment has everything to do with our relationship to ourselves, not our relationship to others. Roger's Pluto is in Virgo in the 11th house. His soul's deepest desire is to be of service to others through healing, health or being a mentor or example to others. He needs to create freedom for himself and break free of worldly restrictions, while putting his own creativity and imprint of originality into the world. Aspects to Pluto give more information on this theme. Pluto is square his Sun in Scorpio in the first house, meaning he must learn his truth, to trust himself, be honest with himself and to learn about the healthy use of his own power. He is here to learn about his will, how to assert himself and be the leader he was meant to be, all in a conscious, healthy way.

From some of the above information regarding what is familiar to him from a past life, we see that his soul's deepest desire will not be easy for him.

Roger's north node is in Scorpio in the first house. The north node represents areas of life that the soul wants to learn about and grow and expand into. This is new territory for him, and there may be many fears surrounding this new way of being. His north node is conjunct Mars, the planet of strength, willpower and action. His new direction is to explore leadership in a healthy, empowered way based on his own truth and belief in his authentic self.

After this reading, Roger was able to see why some of the repeated patterns in his life were disempowering him. With a clear picture of what unconscious memories he was carrying from past lives and what his soul needs to do in this life, he was able to make conscious choices about his relationships, and feel more confident in himself and what he needs to do to achieve his soul's purpose.

New Moon March 22 2012

The new Moon this month is in Aries on March 22, 2012 at 10:38 pm EST. The Sun and Moon are both in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, representing action, initiative and courage. Mars is the ruler of Aries and traditionally, Mars represents war, armies and the military. With Mars currently retrograde, we must re-envision Mars as the planet of the spiritual warrior, empowering all of humanity with bravery and courage to consciously create a new world where all can live in peace, love and harmony. This new Moon conjuncts Uranus, the planet of revolution, and Uranus is moving towards an exact square with Pluto, the planet of evolution. The pace of revolution, moving us towards evolution, is drastically speeding up, as evidenced by the many world changes occurring right now. These changes will continue into the future for many years. What is your sacred role in creating the new world ? Where are you being asked to be brave and courageous ?
You are here on planet earth at this point in time for a reason.

Full Moon March 8 2012 and Mercury Retrograde March 12 2012

The full moon this month is in Virgo on March 8, 2012 at 4:41 am EST. The Sun is in Pisces, the Moon is in Virgo, reminding us to go with the flow, surrender to a greater calling, and be of service to others.

Mercury is the ruler of Virgo, and on March 12, Mercury will go retrograde (appear to go back wards) until April 4, 2012. Mercury retrograde often causes us to re-think, review and revise travel plans, ideas, and our communications with others. Mercury is very close to Uranus, the planet of revolution, and will cross paths with Uranus three times this year on March 5, March 18 and April 22, emphasizing the energy of revolution and change. Mercury is associated with the mind and thinking, and in order to get the right answers, we must be asking the right questions. Do you need a new perspective on life and the world ? How can new thinking change your life ? Remember, your thoughts create your reality.

Neptune in Pisces - February 2012

Neptune went into Pisces on February 4, 2012 and will stay there for approximately fourteen years. This is significant because Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, and a planet moving into its own sign amplifies the energy associated with it. Neptune and Pisces both connect to spirituality, the divine, the surrender of ego, going with the flow and being in the moment.

Neptune has been in the sign of Aquarius since 1998, so we have been working on surrendering to something or connecting to the greater whole (Neptune stuff) by first seeking to individuate, then bringing our authentic self-expression back to our groups and associations (Aquarian things). This is reflected in the growth of individual spirituality and spiritual groups over the last fourteen years. During this period, you have been invited to seek and be different, in order to come back to the group in a more authentic way.

As Neptune allows us to identify with something more or greater than ourselves we experienced being part of a greater flow of life by following our Neptunian energy. This urge to connect to something greater is through letting go of control and surrendering our ego. This may not be easy due to the ego's fear of losing control and its desire to hold onto things we no longer need. We now have the opportunity to evolve. We are called to let go of our ego, dissolve our rule-based and structured lives, and go with our intuition, inspiration, feelings, dreams and visions and choose to allow ourselves to follow our dreams, visions and creativity. Let go of your image of yourself and have the courage to be who you really are. Listen to your inner voice to help you figure it out. Be inspired to live the life you have always dreamed of. Let go of how you think life is or should be and see the illusion we call life, for what it really is. Realize the idea of separation is just a figment of your ego's imagination and that we are all connected through a divine consciousness; we are all one. Tap into the truth of yourself, your world, and your reality.

Throughout the next fourteen years, there will be opportunities to ask ourselves, "Is this true?" We are being asked to see the truth of ourselves, of our life, of our world, and to align our day to day activities with the truth of our authentic selves. How do you know if something is truth or illusion? Neptune knowledge is learned through giving up control in the moment, and letting life and answers flow. These answers come from the heart, our feelings and our intuition. Meditation, spending time in nature, engaging with animals, getting lost in music, or getting involved with creative pursuits (write, draw, paint, dance), allows us to get in touch with our Neptunian self to be inspired, and find our truth. We now need to get information from ourselves as conscious beings, not from our egoic selves. Allowing information to flow from other sources (the divine), aligns us with our authentic self, our higher self, our multi-dimensional self. Neptune in Pisces is a call to seek meaning and understand why we are here, and to connect to the divine.

A great Neptune in Pisces exercise is to write out what you are challenged by, and ask what parts of you need to be in control and why. Threat to survival or to an idea of self, is usually what is at stake. Again, ask! "Is my survival really at stake?" "Do I really need that part of my self-image any more?" Keep asking these questions until you have a different sense of knowing; that your intuition has come in strong and clear, and your ego has stepped aside.

For more information on how this Neptune transit affects you personally, please arrange a personal reading by emailing soulspurposeastrology@gmail.com.