Sunday, February 5, 2012

Neptune in Pisces Feb 4 2012

Neptune goes into Pisces on February 4, 2012 and will stay there for approximately fourteen years. This change of sign invites us to explore how we connect to the divine, and how we raise our consciousness, in order to move into 2012 and beyond. The universe is asking us to dream big and have the courage and faith to manifest those dreams.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Uranus Square Pluto 2012 - The Chaos Continues

The year 2012 is now upon us. It's no secret that 2012 is going to be a year of unprecedented change and excitement in the world. 2011 was a year of extraordinary revolution and change.

Astrology is a beautiful, symbolic language where celestial bodies mirror the events on planet Earth; as above, so below. One of the biggest cosmic events of this century is going to occur this year, the square between Uranus and Pluto. Pluto represents power struggles, intensity, and transformation, and Uranus represents chaos, independence, freedom and awakening. The first exact square between these two planets will occur on June 26, 2012, followed by six more exact squares over the next three years, on September 19, 2012, May 21, 2013, November 1, 2013, April 21, 2014, December 15, 2014, March 17, 2015. A square occurs when two planets are 90 degrees from each other, their energies conflict and build tension between them, until something gives way. Squares provide a lot of pressure and motivation to make changes to situations that aren't working.

What does this mean for us globally and personally ?

Globally, humanity can already feel this tension and pressure mounting over the last few years as evidenced by the events of 2008, the financial crisis and the collapse of the US housing market. In 2010, we experienced the destruction to the environment with the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the devastating earthquake in Haiti. In 2011 we saw the occupy Wall-Street movement ripple through out the world, more financial chaos and protesting in Libya, Syria and Greece. In early 2012, strange, unexplained noises were heard around the world (is this UFO disclosure at last?). These changes and struggles will continue throughout the next three years, as these two planet square off in the heavens.

The last time Uranus and Pluto were at a similar angle to each other was in the 1960's, the years of much cultural change and social unrest. Uranus rules computers and in the 1960's computers began to change the way business was done. Since then, there has been a revolution in computing, and the rise in social networking has created a world where the people can be heard around the world instantaneously, without intervention from the powers that be. The riots in Egypt in early 2011 were organized via social media and the Egyptian government tried to stop this by shutting down access to the Internet. On January 18, 2012, Wikipedia staged a one day blackout to protest two US government bills trying to control (Pluto) the information on the Internet (Uranus). There will be much struggle (Pluto) over the next three years to ensure the Internet maintains its freedom (Uranus). This is one example of the struggles we will see in the future between governments, corporations and the people. There will be many changes throughout the world in the next three years, in the areas of structures, governments and financial systems.

On a personal level, individuals born in early signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn are going to feel tremendous internal pressures to make changes in their lives in areas (astrological houses) where these planets lie. Individuals born on or in the 10 days after March 26, June 26, September 26 or December 26, will have already felt the intense pressure for change building and will continue to feel this pressure for the next two years. The area of life that you will feel these pressures is indicated by the astrological houses in your birth chart. For example, if your Sun was in the 10th house when you were born, and you were born on June 27, the pressure would be felt in the area of career (10th house), or if your Sun was in the 7th house when you were born, the pressure for change would be felt in your marriage or long term relationship (7th house).

Most of humanity views life changes as difficult, but the reality is that life is always changing. The chaos and pressures that humanity feels now and over the next three years, as reflected by Uranus and Pluto, are necessary, so the structures, governments and systems that are no longer viable, can be dissolved and new structures and systems put in place for the benefit of all humanity.

A personal astrology reading will illuminate the current issues and pressures in your life, and help you make positive, empowered choices, so you can feel more in control of your life and survive the next three years with peace, happiness and joy in your heart.

Full Moon in Leo Feb 7 2012

The full moon this month is in Leo on Feb 7, 2012 at 4:54 pm EST. The Sun is in Aquarius, the Moon is in Leo, reminding us to always keep in mind the needs of the collective while meeting our own needs. The sign of Leo relates to the heart, creative self-expression and being our authentic self. The sign of Aquarius deals with progress and the power of the group mind. Humanity's progress must continue in a heart-centered, love-based way to create life on planet Earth that is enjoyable for all sentient beings. The Sun is conjunct Mercury, showing us the power of the human mind. Our thoughts create reality, and in 2012, our thoughts are manifesting very quickly now. We must combine our collective thoughts and visions to achieve our heart-centered ideals for this planet. Remember your soul mission to be an agent of change and enjoy being on Earth at this auspicious time.

Saturn Retrograde

Saturn has been in Libra now since November 2009. Saturn deals with hard work, discipline, and judgement. Libra represents how we create fairness, harmony and balance in relationships.

During the last two years, we have been learning about what we are responsible for in relationships. As humans, we tend to define ourselves through others, and expect others to be responsible for us. We have been challenged not to look to others for our own definition. It is now time for us to take responsibility for creating relationships based on our authentic selves, to stand up and speak our truth, and to show up as equals in our relationships. In order to create fairness, we must allow our significant other to show up as an equal and state their truth, and for us to listen to them, and allow them to be their authentic self. There may be a time of mourning as we let go of our past beliefs about how we should be in relationship and how our significant other should be.

Saturn will go retrograde in Libra on February 7 until June 24, 2012. With Saturn retrograde in Libra, we can take a look at how successful we have been applying the above principles to our relationships. During the next five months, we can make the necessary adjustments to our relationships. Saturn likes hard work and discipline, so now is the time to do the work to create intentional, harmonious, fair relationships. Make a list of what you think you are responsible for in a relationship, and another list of what you want to be responsible for. The difference between the two is a good place to start making adjustments in your relationship. Make sure to be responsible and realistic in this assessment. Ask your partner to do the same exercise and compare your lists. The two of you will be off to a fantastic start for 2012 in creating an intentional, conscious relationship.

Mars Retrograde

Mars went retrograde in Virgo, on January 23, 2012. When a planet retrogrades, it appears to go backwards from the Earth's perspective. Of course, planets do not travel backwards, but because Astrology is viewed from the Earth's perspective, they appear to go backwards. Mars retrogrades once every two years approximately, so we are not very familiar with this energy when it occurs. When a planet goes retrograde, its energy is withdrawn or limited in some way. Mars is the planet of action, will and desire. Virgo is the sign that represents service, discernment, perfectionism, judgement and humility.

Mars went into Virgo last November, inviting us to analyze how and where we use our energy. It may have seemed like every time we go to do something, too many details popped up, slowing our progress. With Mars now retrograde in Virgo, our willpower, and what we put our energy into is looked at with discerning eyes. We can ask ourselves the question, Am I putting my energy into something that helps me achieve my souls purpose and intentions? Or is my energy best put elsewhere to achieve my goals and ambitions in life?

Another issue that may come up now, is why we judge whether something is right or wrong. What is our benchmark to judge things by? Does this benchmark come from authentic selves or from cultural conditioning? Make changes where necessary. Mars goes direct mid-April, and we will be able to move forward with more discerning actions. If we align our will with our soul's intentions, we learn humility. If we align our will with our ego, we will be humiliated.