The first new moon of 2012 is in Aquarius, the sign of freedom and progress, associated with the dawning of this new era of 2012. The ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is conjunct the asteroid Ceres. Ceres is associated with the feminine archetype and women's rights. Social equality and women's rights will be highlighted now. The Sun in Capricorn is square to Saturn in Libra, calling for reform, balance and equality in relationships and business.
Mars turns retrograde on January 23 at 23 degrees of Virgo, and will be retrograde until April 13 at 4 degrees Virgo. Mars retrogrades once every two years, so this provides us an opportunity to reflect on which of our actions are working for us, and which ones aren't. When Mars go direct in April, we can continue our forward movement with less anger and aggressiveness and more assertive, well planned actions. Health and well-being and environmental issues are also highlighted during this time.