Friday, November 25, 2011

Mercury retrograde Nov. 24 2011

Mercury goes retrograde from Nov. 24 - Dec 13, 2011. It's time to re-think, re-evaluate, release. Mercury is in Sagittarius, so our thoughts are about beliefs, our expanding consciousness and what risks we can take.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Nov. 24-25, 2011

Eclipses are super potent new moons, signaling the end of one life lesson and the potential to graduate and move to the next level. Our inner consciousness is shifting, altering, increasing, expanding. This solar eclipse brings to light new frontiers, new possibilities and life-altering truths.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Nov. 11, 2011 the 11-11-11 gateway

11 is a master number, representing the higher conscious, Christ energy or the emergence of enlightenment. This 11/11/11 gateway represents a spiritual initiation and gateway, offering extraordinary support for profoundly transformative meditations, group prayers and mass awakenings.
For more info, visit www.

Full Moon in Taurus Nov. 10, 2011

This full moon continues to highlight our relationship to the Earth (Taurus) and our relationship to our unconscious mind and feelings (Scorpio). Are we eating healthful foods that nourish our bodies ? Do we treat Mother Earth with love and respect ? Are we letting our unconscious needs affect our relationships with ourselves and others ? What still needs to be excavated from our unconscious in order to allow more light energy into our conscious minds from the 11-11-11 gateway ? Ceres turns direct on Nov. 6, allowing us to continue nurturing our imaginations and spiritual selves. Neptune turns direct on Nov. 9, urging us to allow our spiritual light to shine into the world. Chiron turns direct on Nov. 10, asking us to share our message of healing with others.